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Sonny Rollins - Reel Life (1982) re-up

Исполнитель: Sonny Rollins
Название альбома: Reel Life
Genre: Hard Bop, Jazz-Funk
Год выпуска: 2009
Формат файлов: flac, mp3 320kb/s cbr
Размер архива: 245mb, 90mb
Скачать с: rusfolder

The cover art of Reel Life, with a tiny image of Sonny Rollins sitting on top of a giant tape reel, is a telling factor in this 1982 studio session. Rollins was one of the first beboppers, and one of the last remaining to record with magnetic audio tape in an analog format. This sterling band with Rollins featured two electric and distinctly different guitarists in Bobby Broom and Yoshiaki Masuo, longtime electric bass guitarist Bob Cranshaw, and the keen and vibrant drummer Jack DeJohnette. As the career of Rollins moved into fourth gear, his love for hard bop, Caribbean music, and funkier styles continued to appeal to die-hard fans and the urban crowd.
A matchless melodic tenor saxophone, Rollins just kept rolling along like the rotating metal wheel that documented these selections.
Both guitar players are so distinctly different, with Broom's Chicago based rhythm & blues roots and the resonant, steelier sound of Japanese national Masuo offering contrast aside the spike bass of Cranshaw and DeJohnette's purposeful, fluent drumming. In the middle is Sonny Rollins, at ease and comfortable in not so much driving the band as being the golden centerpiece in this stable display of modern jazz that in many ways set the standard for an upcoming new era. ©

Label - Milestone/Concord/Original Jazz Classics

Sonny Rollins - tenor saxophone
Bobby Broom - electric guitar, claves, cabasa, cowbell
Yoshiaki Masuo - acoustic guitar, electric guitar, claves, cabasa, cowbell
Bob Cranshaw - electric bass
Jack DeJohnette - drums, congas, maracas
Lucille Rollins - claves, cabasa, cowbell

01. Reel Life (6:15)
02. McGhee (4:20)
03. Rosita's Best Friend (6:22)
04. Sonny Side Up (6:48)
05. My Little Brown Book (3:56)
06. Best Wishes (5:44)
07. Solo Reprise (2:13)

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