Исполнитель: John Colianni Trio, Lew TabackinНазвание альбома: Blues-O-Matic Год выпуска: 1989 Формат файлов: Mp3 320kbps cbr Размер архива: 120Mb rar Скачать с: Ifolder Позорище! Этот потрясающий пианист почти не представлен на сайте! Срочно исправимся :)
A joyful album from two sparkling energies as pianist John Colianni and the round saxophone sound of veteran Lew Tabackin. Every note comes out fluently and there are no surprises along the eleven cuts, but this CD is easily recommended to lighten up a gray day. ©
Label - Concord Jazz (CCD-4367) Recorded Aug 1988 at Penny Lane Studios, NYC
Personnel Lew Tabackin - flute, sax tenor (1,4,5,7) John Colianni – piano Lynn Seaton - bass Mel Lewis - drums
Tracks 1. Blues-O-Matic 2. Liza (All the Clouds'll Roll Away) (Gershwin, Gershwin, Kahn) 3:19 3. My One and Only Love (Mellin, Wood) 5:37 4. All God's Chillun Got Rhythm (Jurman, Kahn, Kaper) 2:38 5. Exactly Like You (Fields, McHugh) 5:42 6. Riding High/You Do Something to Me 5:20 7. After All 4:52 8. Long Count 5:58 9. I Want You All the Time 5:05 10. Ding Ding 4:23 11. Slicer 5:16