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Исполнителей: 2652 | Альбомов: 102915 | Видео: 1089

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Max Roach

Макс Ро́уч (Maxwell Lemuel Roach)
(10.01.1924 Township of Newland, Pasquotank County, North Carolina, US - 16.08.2007 New York City, US)
выдающийся американский джазовый перкуссионист, барабанщик и композитор.

Пионер бибопа, Роуч работал и в других джазовых стилях. Один из влиятельнейших барабанщиков в истории джаза.

Сотрудничал с Duke Ellington, Coleman Hawkins, Dizzy Gillespie, Charlie Parker, Miles Davis, Charles Mingus, Sonny Rollins, Clifford Brown и другими.

Альбомы исполнителя на сайте:
Dizzy Gillespie, Max Roach - Salle Pleyel Jazz Concert 1948 / Max Roach Quintet 1949 (1997)
James Moody - In The Beginning (1949)
The Quintet - Jazz At Massey Hall Vol. 1 (1953)
Max Roach, Hank Mobley - Max Roach Quartet Featuring Hank Mobley (1953)
Clifford Brown & Max Roach - Brown & Roach Incorporated (1954)
Max Roach & Clifford Brown Quintet - The Historic California Concerts (1954)
Clifford Brown & Max Roach - Study In Brown (1955)
Clifford Brown, Max Roach - Clifford Brown & Max Roach (1955)
The Charles Mingus Quintet + Max Roach - The Charles Mingus Quintet + Max Roach (1955)
Clifford Brown & Max Roach Quintet - Live At Newport Jazz Festival (1955)
Clifford Brown & Max Roach - At Basin Street (1956)
Clifford Brown & Max Roach Quintet - Brownie Lives! (1956)
Max Roach - Max Roach + 4 (1956-57)
Clifford Brown - At The Cotton Club 1956 (2011)
Max Roach - Jazz In 3/4 Time (1957)
Max Roach & Stan Levey With Howard Rumsey's Lighthouse All-Stars - Drummin' The Blues (1957)
Max Roach - Percussion Discussion (1957)
Max Roach 4 - Plays Charlie Parker (1957-58)
Max Roach - Max (1958)
Max Roach + 4 - On The Chicago Scene (1958)
Max Roach + 4 - At Newport (1958)
Max Roach - Deeds, Not Words (1958)
Booker Little 4 & Max Roach - Booker Little 4 & Max Roach (1958)
Max Roach - Award Winning Drummer (1958)
Buddy Rich & Max Roach - Rich Versus Roach (1959)
Max Roach Plus Four - Quiet As It's Kept (1959)
Max Roach - Moon Faced & Starry Eyed (1959)
The Max Roach Quintet - The Many Sides Of Max (1959)
Max Roach Quintet - Live In Lausanne 1960 Part 1 & 2 (2013)
Max Roach - Long As You're Living (1960)
Max Roach - Again Vol. 1 (1960)
Max Roach - We Insist! (Max Roach's Freedom No Suite) (1960)
Max Roach - Parisian Sketches (1960)
Sonny Clark, Max Roach, George Duvivier - Sonny Clark Trio (1960)
Conte Candoli & Max Roach - Jazz Structures (1960)
Jazz Artists Guild - Newport Rebels (1960)
Max Roach - Percussion Bitter Sweet (1961)
Max Roach - It's Time (1962)
Max Roach - Speak, Brother, Speak! (1962)
Various Artists - Taste Of Drums (1964)
Max Roach Trio - Featuring The Legendary Hasaan (1965)
Max Roach - Drums Unlimited (1966)
Max Roach - Members Don't Git Weary (1968)
D.Gillespie, Sonny Stitt, J.Lewis, P.Heath, Max Roach, Hank Jones - The Bop Session (1975)
Max Roach Quartet - Nommo (1976)
Max Roach, Archie Shepp - Force: Sweet Mao - Suid Africa 76 (1976)
Max Roach Quartet - Live In Tokyo Vol. 1 & 2 (1977)
Max Roach - The Loadstar (1977)
Max Roach - Solos (1977)
Max Roach Quartet - Live In Amsterdam (1977)
Max Roach, Abdullah Ibrahim - Streams Of Consciousness (1977)
Max Roach Featuring Anthony Braxton - Birth & Rebirth (1978)
Max Roach, Anthony Braxton - Live In Alassio (1978)
Max Roach - Confirmation (1978)
Max Roach - M'Boom (1979)
Max Roach, Archie Shepp - The Long March (1979)
Max Roach, Anthony Braxton - One In Two, Two In One (1979)
Max Roach Quartet - Pictures In A Frame (1979)
Max Roach - Chattahoochee Red (1981)
Max Roach Quartet - In The Light (1982)
Max Roach - It's Christmas Again (1984)
Max Roach - Live In Berlin (1984)
Max Roach Quartet - Scott Free (1984)
Thelonious Monk & Max Roach - European Tour (1985)
Max Roach Double Quartet - Easy Winners (1985)
Max Roach, Clifford Brown - Daahoud (1985)
Max Roach Double Quartet ‎- Bright Moments (1987)
M'Boom - Live At S.O.B.'s, New York (1992)
Max Roach - With The New Orchestra Of Boston & The So What Brass Quintet (1993/1995)
Clark Terry & Max Roach - Friendship (2002)
Max Roach Quintet, Kenny Dorham, Sonny Rollins - Complete Studio Recordings {1956-57} (2007)

Max Roach - Bremen / Baden-Baden (1964)
Max Roach, Cecil Bridgewater, Billy Harper, Reggie Workman - Festival De Jazz d’Antibes (1977)
Max Roach Quartet - Subway, Köln (1977)

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007: pula2012, пожалуйста!

Asmadey: Спасибо, dear Michel! Всего Ва...

Asmadey: Спасибо, dear Michel! Всего Ва...

pula2012: Hvala!

michel.sosnin: garson, пожалуйста!

michel.sosnin: sin(x), пожалуйста!

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