Contacting a lawyer at the very beginning increases the likelihood of success, be it a family lawyer in fort collins, criminal attorney, or other. Any experienced lawyer knows that the likelihood of a successful bankruptcy case is higher if you file an application first and get a good bankruptcy manager. Supporting bankruptcy proceedings is a specific area of ??legal activity, and often the lawyers of an enterprise are unable to cope with the flow of information on this issue. Accordingly, the services of companies that specialize in accompanying the procedure for debtors or creditors are in great demand.
The actions of a bankruptcy lawyer in fort collins colorado representing the interests of the creditor depending on the ultimate goal pursued. There can be two such goals:
- satisfy the claims of the creditor;
- take possession of the debtor's assets.
If the fort collins lawyer is conducting the case on the part of the debtor, the following goals can be set:
- carry out the bankruptcy procedure to prevent the creditor from taking possession of the debtor's property;
- get rid of credit obligations and subsequently start a new business.
Debtor assistance
When a lawyer represents the interests of the debtor, this is the provision of a certain list of services. He does the following:
- Assists in identifying creditors.
- Deals with the preparation of documents for the court.
- Helps to prepare and conduct the first meeting of creditors, to draw up its results.
- Assists in maintaining a list of claims put forward by the creditor.
- Assists in the establishment of property for bankruptcy proceedings.
- Makes an analytical calculation of judicial and arbitration practice on bankruptcy issues.
- Analyzes available information and documents.
- Makes analytical calculations for the client on the application of changes in legislation in this area.
- Assists in the selection of self-regulatory organizations, an arbitration manager, in the search for expert organizations and organizations responsible for holding tenders.
- Represents the client's interests in court.
- Provides advice on all important issues.
Creditor assistance
When a lawyer defends the interests of a creditor, he provides the following services:
- Provides qualified assistance in the preparation of requirements and their inclusion in the register.
- Represents interests in court and at meetings of creditors.
- Assists in exercising control over the work of the receiver.
- Assists in the control of settlements during debt repayment, which helps to minimize financial and legal risk.
- Provides advice on all important issues.
A lawyer representing the interests of a creditor or debtor with experience of successful handling of such cases realizes how important it is to go to court on time and start working out a strategy for doing business in advance. Late referral or the wrong approach is very likely to lead to failure. That is, the creditor may not receive the amount due to him, and the debtor is threatened with seizure of property, or even a complete cessation of activity.
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